
I am happy to have you follow my journey. On September 3, 2010 I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I was stage 1, grade 2, ER/PR positive and Her2Neu negative with no lymph node involvement. These are my stats and I'll never forget them. I had a bi-lateral mastectomy and made it through 4 rounds of chemotherapy, 3 weeks apart. I completed my treatment on December 28th and look forward to a healthy and cancer free 2011! Hope you laugh and learn and remember to Treasure Your Chest...Don't forget to do your monthly self exams!
Rated PG-13

Friday, November 5, 2010

Wigs & fun!

I tried on wigs this week. Yes, I did. I have been unsure how I want to handle the hair loss and have hemmed and hawed about actually doing it. I literally pulled into the parking lot on a total whim. I was with my mom and the girls and I thought let's just see what is out there. It is a nice shop with lots of hats, scarves and wigs. I was able to get a consult and the 5 of us piled into a room where a nice lady brought me wigs and tried them on me. There were laughs a plenty and some pretty cute styles and some 70's farrah styles. I bought a sleeping cap (Clay in his 'kercheif and I in my "cap") ha ha! I can't seem to get that out of my head. I guess your head gets cold when there isn't a lot of hair on it so you sleep with this little cap...interesting. I am in limbo a bit and want to be as prepared as possible for the hair coming out. I am at day 10 and anytime between day 14 & 21 or after my 2nd treatment, it's a probability. As soon as it starts coming out, I am going to shave to a #3 and then I'll be making wig decisions. For my college friends, it must seem a no-brainer for me to sport some baseball caps as I wore one for most of my U of I/Kam's career! Maybe that was just foreshadowing :) So I have a lot of caps ready for some action. I have no idea how I will feel when the time does come.
Thursday I went to have my cording massaged away. I was warned that this may be unpleasant and unpleasant it was. I have NEVER experienced pain like this (hello, epidurals!) my goodness, I was gritting my teeth and kicking my feet. Who knew that scar tissue in your armpit could cause such a fuss. I bet skinning me with a razor blade would've been more pleasant. OK, maybe not. The bummer is I can't even tell if it helped because I am so sore today. I was having decent range of motion and now I feel like I took two steps backwards. Boo Hoo, I am bummed and the worst is, I may have to go back for more ancient Chinese torture next week. I may have to Valium up for that trip!!
Had a check in at the Oncologists today and found out that my blood counts are low. While they didn't do anything because I am setting my "baseline", they may give me some medicine to help the white blood cells rebound quicker next time. Hopefully by my next treatment the numbers will be up so I can actually get treatment!
On a final and funny note...I took a bath this week. My back has been hurting. I thought it was just because my implants were heavier than my old ones but I found out I have "Wounded wing syndrome". I am over using my shoulders and arms to protect my chest. This causes tension and pain in the upper back and neck. Anyway, I am soaking in the tub and Chloe comes in and asks, "When are you gonna get your circles put on?" I explained that they were actually called pepperonis and then we both laughed. Then I told her the truth and that sometime after chemo I'd have nipples made and aereolas tattooed on so that I'd look as close to normal as possible. She then said, "Don't get pointy nipples". Good advice Chloe, I will not get pointy nipples!


  1. Oh I'm sorry you had such an unpleasant massage session. I remembered mine was not a feel good session either. Your scar tissue must of piled up on you. Hang in there! You are doing great! I'm sure whatever wig you choose it will look wonderful.

  2. I think that super pointy nipples...say it loud and proud...are well deserved!!
