
I am happy to have you follow my journey. On September 3, 2010 I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I was stage 1, grade 2, ER/PR positive and Her2Neu negative with no lymph node involvement. These are my stats and I'll never forget them. I had a bi-lateral mastectomy and made it through 4 rounds of chemotherapy, 3 weeks apart. I completed my treatment on December 28th and look forward to a healthy and cancer free 2011! Hope you laugh and learn and remember to Treasure Your Chest...Don't forget to do your monthly self exams!
Rated PG-13

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Half way there...

I finished my second round of chemo yesterday and am now half way done. So far so good. I had a little episode during the taxotere drip, which is very common in the first or second treatment. Basically I couldn't breathe and my chest felt tight and my face was red. I mumbled...get..Linda (my nurse) and then started ringing my bell for help. Another nurse saw me first and ran on over. She stopped the taxotere and I took saline for 20 more minutes then the restarted the taxotere and I was fine. What the, what the? That was scary but I felt fine very quickly afterwards. Just when you think you know what to expect - surprise! I will go in 10 days to have my white blood cell count and if needed will be given a shot of neulasta to help build up my white blood cells. I am scheduled to go in on Dec. 7. for my third treatment.
"I am having a No hair day" this is the latest t-shirt Grace wants to buy for me and it couldn't be any more true! So, I was down to a #1 blade on Sunday night looking like a mottled sick cat on Monday. The girls came home from school and I was modeling a beautiful scarf my husband surprised me with. When I took the scarf off, they were pretty grossed out. Grace said, "Mom you need to shave. I'll even do it for you." Isn't that love? Clay was working late and wasn't there to do it so instead of shaving, the girls got the idea to "lint roll" my head. They were taking so much hair off with each roll I knew a shave was in my future. They took turns beautifully and would request a "clean"sheet with the pass of the roller. After about 6-8 sheets of tape, I showered and was literally rubbing the hair off my scalp. With perfect timing, Clay came home and shaved what was left, with no guard on and then got the mach3 blade out and shaved me bald. He comment that not many men get to do this, he is in a small but very respected group of men right now. So totally bald...think it would be sad, freaky, gross? Actually I was so happy to get rid of all the hair, it was hurting, looked terrible and came as a total relief! Bring on the hats & scarves!
I picked Jane up from Kindergarten yesterday and she gets in the car and says "Please don't take your hat off." I told her, "Of course I wouldn't. I would scar so many children, mine included." I intend to have a covered bald head until mid-February when I may be looking like a chia pet! Won't that be exciting! For now it's fun gathering a wardrobe of scarves and bandanas. My hardest situation was for working out. Don't think I want to wear a sweaty scarf so I asked clay about an under armour skull cap like the football players wear. He laughed and asked if I'd be wear breathe-rights too! I got one and it doesn't look so bad underneath a baseball cap but alone it looks like a swim cap. Bet the Zumba girls would love to see me in a swim cap dancing all crazy. So there are my options!
Thanks to all who have been praying, it is helping and I am feeling good and anxious to get to the finish line that will be here quicker than we think!!


  1. Your beautiful girls bring tears to my eyes. So much love in that house :) xoxo kat

  2. I can always count on smiling laughing or both when I read your blog. I was laughing out loud this time. I have heard the same line from Leah and Talia about my head when I'm around their friends. I'm glad that you are through your 2nd cycle and can have a milestone to celebrate. You continue in my prayers.

  3. Julie, I think you look amazing! I had dinner with your brothers, nieces, and parents tonight and we had a great time catching up and talking about the good old days in Lake Bluff. I hope that you are feeling well. Know that we are thinking of you and praying. Love, Taryn :)

  4. Dearest Julie
    You are beautiful inside and out. You inspire me to be better, stronger and cut through the crap and for that I am grateful to you. Though you may not know it, you are teaching me a great deal and I thank you for sharing this journey with us. To your wonderful Clay – what a knight in shining armor you are. Your girls are so blessed to have you to guide them in life.
    Love always
