
I am happy to have you follow my journey. On September 3, 2010 I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I was stage 1, grade 2, ER/PR positive and Her2Neu negative with no lymph node involvement. These are my stats and I'll never forget them. I had a bi-lateral mastectomy and made it through 4 rounds of chemotherapy, 3 weeks apart. I completed my treatment on December 28th and look forward to a healthy and cancer free 2011! Hope you laugh and learn and remember to Treasure Your Chest...Don't forget to do your monthly self exams!
Rated PG-13

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Oh sweet freedom!

Yes, it's true I've be sprung from the joint...I mean from the drains and I like it! Isn't it funny how sometimes we over analyze things so much. OK, maybe it's just me obsessing over these tubes jump roping out my sides. I was so worked up about the drains and told Clay if they weren't taken out last night, I would be reduced to a puddle of tears. So, we waited for a loooonnnnggg time to get into the room and Dr. Fenner comes in "glances" at the meticulous notes I've taken and goes to the cabinet to get his scissors out to cut the tubes out. What? No argument or need for persuasion? I've had all of my arguments ready and didn't even need them! Thanks for the warning Kim, that was a hugely unpleasant experience but the end result was so nice. Baby steps, my friends, baby steps. Am I still uncomfortable? Yes! Just not as much as before :)
Clay and I did a "two-a-day" on Wednesday and had our first visit with an oncologist plus the follow-up with the plastic surgeon. I was so drained (no pun intended)by the end of the day. I felt like a newborn baby who was just plain overstimulated and couldn't settle down. I couldn't fall asleep for the life of me. Anyway, sleep obviously came and went and now I face a new day and another oncology appointment. The end result of the first meeting is chemo is on the menu for me. When you start looking at percentages of your survival rate, I know I am most comfortable with the smallest number possible. I will get second and maybe even a third opinion on this yet, I am pretty convinced that this is Cancer 101 and my Doctor said like this was a textbook, uncomplicated situation...and thank God for that.
I was thrown, by what Clay calls an "non-issue", that my grade of tumor was upgraded from a 1 to a 2 Grade. I think it was upgraded after surgery and for some reason this news really bothered me. I am still Stage 1 but now a grade 2. I researched a bit and found this info on tumor staging. I'm guessing that it was based on my tumor size 1.8cm. I'll ask for some clarification on that.
On a ligher note- Here is an example of life with Julie & Clay at an oncologist appointment:
Dr. Sweet is about to draw a diagram explaining estrogen-receptors and asks us, "Have you ever had chemistry?"
Clay responds, "Yes, many years ago"
I am puzzled/pissed and ask, "What are you talking about? Many years ago. What?"
I thought he was asking about "physical chemistry", you know, between Clay & I and I'm rather peeved that Clay said yeah, many years ago! I look like a huge dork. Which makes us all laugh. Of course he means "Chemistry" as in the class that I barely passed because I was down in the cafeteria eating chocolate long johns!
Unless something major changes, I'll probably be starting chemo a month after surgery- basically in two weeks. Time to get my G.I. Jane haircut in preparation for the battle of my life! (Not too dramatic, huh?)


  1. But you will be soooo much hotter than Demi!!

  2. My friend you will be just fine. Believe me if I can do it you can as well. I know what you mean regarding the numbers. I agree with you I'm aiming for the lowest number possible. HHO does a good job and the nurses are great! Let me know if you have any ?'s.
