There aren't enough words to describe how I feel being done with my 4th and last chemo treatment. When we left the appointment on Tuesday, I couldn't stop singing Fields of Joy by Lenny Kravitz. Hours later Clay was annoyed when he found himself humming it as's a really good ear-worm!! There were also some major tears of joy involved, as well. I became very "verklempt" saying good-bye to all of my lovely nurses who took such amazing care of me during the last few weeks. The treatment itself went very smoothly and was over quickly.
Clay R.N. administered my last Neulasta shot between ILLINI victories, Football & Basketball!
I have been given a script for Tamoxifen and will be on that for a minimum of 5 years...will start in 2 weeks.
On Monday night Mike Scariano (our college friend) and his two girls Madi & Morgan came for a visit. This proved to be a great distraction for me the night before my last treatment. Mike & Clay celebrated with their old friend Jack Daniels and then next thing you know the head shaver is out, again. Mike, inspired by the photos from the head shavings, felt the inspiration of the moment and shaved down to a #1 along with Clay who needed some touching up! I was touched!
It was a fun night for us and the girls were great head shaver/helpers!! Looking forward to the start of a new year. Bring it on 2011!